Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Keeping Students Safe in Texas

Are you ever afraid of sending your children to a school that has an employee with a criminal record? Thanks to a new law that has been passed, parents in Texas do not have to worry. This new law takes fingerprints of all employees, teachers, AND principals. This state law was put into effect on January 1, 2008 and is requiring that EVERY school district completes fingerprinting by September of 2011. "As of Tuesday [November 25, 2008] 10,305 certified employees, teachers and principals" of Dallas ISD have been fingerprinted. Out of the thousands that have been fingerprinted, about 13 percent had criminal records.

Although most of the criminal records were only misdemeanors, 20 were serious charges that were kept secret from DISD. According to a DISD spokesman, 8 of the 20 immediately quit after their secret charges were found. The remaining 12 are currently being terminated. Some of these criminal charges pertained to sexual misconduct, drugs, and burglary. It is scary knowing that these students are around criminals. This law is doing a great thing for the state of Texas.

I believe that this is a great way to keep students and other school employees from being a victim of these criminals. If I were a parent, I would want my kids to go to a safe school where I don't have to worry about my kids being around criminals. This is a great way to keep people safe in school; adults AND children.

"The fingerprinting is doing what it is designed to do." - Allen Gwin, DISD critic.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

An Inspiration To Us All

When I read "Everything's BIGGER in Texas'" Se Habla EspaƱol blog, I was very inspired. The blog spoke about Hispanics and minorities running for office. I myself am a minority so I believe that we should work together to change the views of the government. Senators, governors and people who are in office should be able to represent someone who looks like them. Hispanics are the fastest growing minority population in Texas. It is rare for minorities to be in office, so why not change it? Not only would it be amazing to see more Hispanics in office, but to see an Asian American in office. I never in my life have seen an Asian American in office. I believe it would be so inspiring to all people to see minorities, (Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, and African Americans) sharing their culture, languages, and views of the government together as a team. America is all about freedom of speech and there should be no barriers on who run for office. For many, many years, we have seen the same stereotypical people in office. (NO OFFENCE TO ANYONE =)!!!!) This blog was amazing and has brought so much inspiration to myself and others.